Photo Prints

The beauty of nature on the wall of your home or office - vibrant colours, organic forms and remarkable landscapes.

After years of requests, we are making a selection of Sarah's nature images available as quality photographic prints.

Each image will be a premium Lambda Print at aprox 700x460 mm (32x20 inch). The Lambda is a laser exposing device, outputting onto Kodak Endura Lustre photographic paper, a heavy, archival paper designed to last for generations. The colour saturation and vibrancy of the final print is quite extraordinary.

We have one of the best professional print houses in Australia to produce the prints, and images will be shipped in a cardboard tube, unmounted.

All you will need to do is decide on framing - and where to hang it!

Prices: $90 per print. Postage for any number of prints within Australia will be $13.00, and $26.00 airmail for overseas (all ex GST). Note that postage is charged separate to any CDs in the same order, as packaging is different.

Custom Prints: In addition those offered below, you may be interested in an image you've seen in the galleries that accompany each album. If so, contact us, as we may be able to make it available as a custom print.

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